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By Hannah Holladay

We all find ourselves in slumps or low points throughout our careers and lives. They are a natural part of growth and in actuality necessary. Slumps are simply a message that something needs recalibration whether that be your body, mind, emotions, or environment.

A slump can be a pivotal time right before a major breakthrough and uplevel. If you are able to gather the lessons that are there for you to learn and do the mindset training to prepare you for the future, you can use this time to your advantage!

This program is designed to help you bust through the blocks that are keeping you from reaching your goals and align with your future self by doing the mental and emotional work.

Rather than getting frustrated, angry, or regretful for where you’re at, you can use that energy as a catalyst for real change. This is the perfect time to get crystal clear on your goals and propel yourself forward towards them.

What are your goals? What’s your vision for your future? What does your future self look like?

Do you see yourself winning a tournament? 

Feeling confident and happy?

Setting new records?

Reaching your ideal body weight?

Being a part of your dream team?

Reaching your highest ranking?

The brain doesn’t know the difference between what’s real and what’s imagined and when you repeatedly see your end goal with clarity, the subconscious mind ensures you do the work to get there. 

This program will help you define exactly where you are wanting to go and a guide to help you take the action steps necessary to get there with speed! 

You’ll pinpoint exactly what is blocking you as well as release stress that may be trapped in the body. When we release these stuck emotions, our bodies are liberated and able to move forward towards our goals.

You’ll use daily practices to help you program your mind to reach your future self who has already achieved the goal. You’ll see that version of you with clarity and align your daily actions so that you reach him / her with speed. 

The practices in this program will help you reprogram your thoughts and beliefs so that they match who you really want to become. Our beliefs are stored in the subconscious mind and we repeat patterns in our lives based on these beliefs.

When we address the subconscious beliefs and patterns that are holding us back, it’s like unlocking the key to our desires. 

If you’re ready to reprogram your mind for success and get out of your slump – don’t wait! It’s time to take your practice to the next level and
do the mental work it takes to
be the best!

Align yourself with your future goals and take the action steps you know are going to get you to the cross finish line. 

In this program you will get:

The Future Self Activation Journal

A 30 day subconscious reprogramming journal prompt exercise designed to help you break old patterns and habits that are keeping you stuck. 

The Get Out of a Slump

This workbook will help discover the lessons that you are gaining from this slump and tactics to try to help you break out of it faster!

The Future Self Performance Meditation

A guided visualization that will help you release emotional stress
in your body, bust through blocks that are holding you back and align with the vision you have for the future. By doing this meditation practice consecutively, you are reprogramming your mind to take
the action necessary to reach
your goals.

BONUS! The Conscious Athlete eBook!

The Conscious Athlete is a short and simple guide explaining complex topics including: the energetics of emotions, quantum physics, neuroscience, psychology and a touch of metaphysics as they pertain to sports.

This eBook will teach you how to access a flow state by applying simple techniques and practices
that will raise your vibrational frequency. Doing this work will amplify all of the physical work you’re putting in day in and
day out as an athlete like
none other. 

Reach your goals with speed!

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