with Hannah Holladay

Energy + Sound Healing Journeys

Energy + Sound Healing Journeys offer a space for you to receive a deep restorative experience that can promote mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual healing. These journeys combine the use of sound frequencies, energy healing, breathwork, and guided hypnosis visualizations to activate your body’s natural healing system and shift your consciousness.

While sound healing has become increasingly popular in the recent years, it’s actually an ancient practice that dates back thousands of years. Sound healing has been found to be used in various cultures around the world including the use of sound healing chambers in the ancient Egyptian sacred sites and temples.

Specific sound frequencies are used through instruments and custom sound tracks that slow brain waves down to bring the mind, body, and nervous system into a deep restorative state which activates the body’s system for self-healing. Once the body is brought into this state deep healing can occur as our parasympathetic nervous system kicks in, which is the body’s “rest, relax and restore” system.

I (Hannah) facilitate quantum energy healing in the background which allows me to connect into your field of energy through the quantum space (this is done with intention).  I always set the intention for you to receive exactly what you need for your greatest and highest good in these sessions. Nothing more, nothing less. I create a safe space for you to connect with yourself and your spirit and at the end my intention is to always have you feel more at peace and connected with your soul.

‘Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies.’

-Albert Eienstein

‘If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.’

-Nicola Tesla

What you could experience during a sound journey:

Some may experience various sensations during these journeys as we facilitate not only sound healing, but quantum energy healing as well. As I guide you into a deep restful state, you will open up to receive energy healing that can clear and balance your energy centers (vortices of energy held throughout the body also known as chakras).

 This could feel like an emotional release of energy as our bodies tend to hold onto stored emotion that was previously not processed. If emotions do come up to the surface, it’s important that you do allow yourself to feel them as this is the process of healing and transmuting the emotional energies. Emotions such as sadness, grief, anger, irritation, or fear could come to the surface. This would be the time to use your breath and let yourself breathe through it as it releases.

The body can at times have other physical energy releases, such as feeling as though you are vibrating, sensations of getting hot or cold, or the body making various involuntary movements. This is all very normal in these healing meditative journeys as the body is releasing stored energy that is no longer needed or is activating new energies to promote healing.

These journeys will often have their own unique intention to them each time. We may work with various chakras, frequencies, or intentions to promote healing for what I feel the group and collective is in most need of at the time. I always suggest that you set your own intention for these journeys as sound plus intention is where healing can occur. You can direct these sounds and energies towards what you are needing most support with by simply setting that intention and directing through your own focus the energy towards your intention.

Connecting with your higher self 
and spirit:

In these quantum journeys as I facilitate energy healing, I set the intention for you to connect with your higher consciousness. We all have a unique relationship to this aspect of us which can be known as our higher self. You can switch this term for the universe, source, spirit, spirit guides or view it as a higher version of you residing in a higher realm. We are multi-dimensional beings meaning we are connected to different dimensions in the quantum field all at the same time. When we tune into these various aspects of us we can receive information that can support us in our current physical reality. 

So as you drop into this deep meditative state during these journeys you could have various spiritual and multi-dimensional experiences. Clients often report connecting with loved ones that have passed, spirit guides, visions of past life memories, or connections with beings like Ascended Masters or Arch Angels. This experience is unique to you and as stated above you will only ever receive what you need and are ready to receive at the time.

Sound healing therapy research and in-person vs. virtual experiences:

Sound healing and meditation have now been backed by various studies that have shown improvements in mental, emotional and even physical health in patients. Studies include reduction in chronic pain, improved sleep, and reduced stress and anxiety. (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5871151/)

While live sound baths can be a more immersive experience at a physical level in which you can feel the vibrations of the sound, a virtual experience can support you in going deeper into introspection and a deep relaxed state. As you are able to listen to the sounds through headphones and in your own space, you could actually facilitate a deeper healing for yourself. Live in-person and virtual sound journeys offer different experiences, but both promote deep relaxation and healing (https://www.medicinanarrativa.eu/sound-therapy-and-well-being-some-scientific-studies)

There are ample studies showing the health benefits of mindfulness, breathwork, and sound healing. I encourage you to do your own research if you still have questions.

Are you wanting more peace of mind and clarity?

Do you wish to have a deeper connection with your higher self and spirit?

Do you want to experience more relaxation in your body and nervous system?

Meet Your Facilitator:

In each journey you’ll work with me – Hannah – and I’ll guide you through the journey and sound healing experience. I am an experienced holistic energy healer and coach that is trained in reiki, quantum healing, neuro linguistic programming, sound healing, subconscious mind reprogramming, mindfulness, and breathwork.

When and Where:


Energy + Sound Healing Journeys will be offered virtually & streamed live YouTube.

*Dates and times are subject to change. Be on the lookout for emails and follow me on social to stay updated.

You will receive a private link to join the class to your email address provided at checkout.

*If there are any streaming issues, we may move to a different platform such as Zoom. Be sure that you receive emails from me in a place that you can easily see them (not in spam folders) in case there is a change in location as you will be emailed a new link.

The World Is Awakening

There has never been a more important time to connect with higher versions of yourself and bring elevated energy and wisdom into the planet. As you facilitate healing within yourself by tuning into your higher consciousness, you’re not only supporting the healing of yourself but for the collective whole as well. 

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