with Hannah Holladay

There has never been a more important time to activate the highest version of you. The planet is in great need of your gifts and wisdom that your higher self holds the keys to. All of your magic is already within you just waiting to be brought through.

This 6 week activation series will support you in stepping into higher versions of yourself. You’ll activate higher vibrations of peace & joy, and deeper awareness & wisdom within yourself as you tune in each week. With each weekly activation, you will download new codes of awareness that will support you in stepping onto your highest timeline and path. This series will support you in clearing and healing anything within your field of energy and path that isn’t in alignment with your higher purpose.

Through an awakening (which is an ongoing self healing process), you may feel: lost, confused, anxious, fearful, and uncertain. As we change through this transformational process, our physical reality reflects those changes through breakups, career shifts, body transformations, and even changes in our desires.

These changes can be jolting. When you embark on this journey to awaken and transform, there’s no turning back. So, as you go through this metamorphosis, it’s incredibly important to learn how to create peace and balance from within. This activation series is designed to support you with the tools to do just that. 

Throughout this series you’ll have support to assist you in building a solid foundation so that no matter what is occurring in the outer world, you’ll easily be able to find your center and feel grounded. 

As you go through an awakening, it is paramount to develop a deep and consistent connection to your higher self and spirit. In these 6 weeks, you will activate higher awareness by connecting with your higher self in deeper ways. This meditation and activation series will activate your gifts and illuminate your purpose. You’ll be supported in integrating higher awareness so that you can take aligned action towards your goals and align to your highest path. 

We’ve all shifted and changed a ton individually and collectively, especially this past year, and now is the time step into the new and highest version of you.

In this series you will activate your energy centers (also known as the chakra system) so that it allows for a more steady stream of higher consciousnesses and energy to balance your system. You’ll learn how to download messages from your higher self so that you gain clarity on how to take action that’s in alignment with your highest path and purpose.

“The starting place of all healing is the trust and commitment to follow our inner guidance, those internal nudges.” 

-Dr. Bruce Lipton, author of The Biology of Belief

Who is your higher self?

We all have a unique relationship with our higher self. You can switch this term for the universe, source, spirit, spirit guides or view it as a higher version of you residing in a higher realm. We are multi-dimensional beings meaning we have versions of us that reside in different dimensions in the quantum field. When we tune into these various versions of us, we can receive information that can support us in our current physical reality. 

Are you wanting more peace of mind and clarity?

Do you wish to have a deeper connection with your higher self and spirit guides?

Do you want to activate your gifts and purpose?

Do you want to have more clarity around your path and where you’re currently at?

If you’re currently feeling lost, confused, anxious and unsure about which direction to go in your life or are overwhelmed with current state of the world, this series is for you.

 This weekly practice will support you in gaining clarity, as well as bring your physical, mental and emotional bodies back into balance and equilibrium. Through meditation, hypnotherapy, subconscious reprogramming, breathwork, and energy work you’ll find yourself feeling more joy, confidence, and contentment with where you’re at now.

This series is designed to assist you in activating higher vibrations of peace, joy, abundance, and unconditional love within your field of energy. Through various energy psychology practices such as  subconscious reprogramming,  and energy & sound healing you will reprogram your mind and alleviate fear, doubt, and scarcity programming.


  1. Awakening Your Truth & Remembering Your Divine Nature

    In this week, you’ll connect with your higher self and spirit and download information on where you might be limiting or blocking yourself from taking action to feel your best. You’ll clear those energies from the quantum field so that you can consistently take action to support your physical, mental and emotional health.

  2. Activating Trust In Your Power

     Anchoring in trust within yourself and the universe is one of the most powerful practices that you can do to activate your gifts and abilities. This activation will support you in remembering that you are the magic and in order to use your magic, you have to trust it. We’ll clear lower energies of doubt and fear and bring healing into past traumas that may be causing you to not fully trust and let go. We’ll heal and reprogram the mind so that you can fully trust yourself and the path that you’re on.

  3.  Become A Clear Channel – Intuition Activation

    You’ll travel into the higher realms and be met with your spirit to support you in activating your third eye and intuitive abilities. You’ll awaken your ability to download information and have discernment over your egoic thoughts and your higher self downloads. Your senses will be heightened and you’ll receive information on how you best channel messages from spirit. This will spark your creativity and intuitive abilities!

  4.  Heart Activation – Activating Peace and Love Within

    All of this work must be centered around the heart. In this week you’ll activate your heart so that you use it as a portal into your highest timeline and highest version of you. You’ll learn how to use your heart as a gateway into higher knowings and vibrations of peace and love. This activation will support you in becoming more magnetic for all that you desire.

  5.  Manifesting Your Highest Timeline

    In this week, you’ll integrate the previous activations and with your newfound awareness you’ll tap into your highest timeline and reality in the quantum space. This will be an active manifestation activation. You’ll connect with higher aspects of you and receive information on what action steps to take to align to your desired reality.

  6.  BONUS ACTIVATION – Light Code Activation Streamed from EGYPT

    This activation will be recorded and streamed from Egypt. You’ll download ancient awareness, codes and packets of information from the sacred sites of Egypt. I’ll be traveling to Egypt this final week and will set up the activation near the pyramids to bring through the frequencies. *The time and date is subject to change.

After each session you’ll free write your experience as well as continue to channel any messages from your higher self. This writing practice will be done consistently throughout the 6 weeks to help you integrate the work that’s being done as well as strengthen your channeling abilities. You’ll need a journal for this!

All of these meditations and activations will be recorded so that you can continue to come back to them regularly. These activations are timeless and each time you listen you’ll download new streams of information to best support you.

Meet Your Guide:

Each week, you’ll work with me (Hannah) and I’ll support you both in our weekly group sessions as well as group chat. I am an experienced holistic energy healer and coach that is trained in reiki, quantum healing, neuro linguistic programming (subconscious mind programming), mindfulness, hypnotherapy and hypnosis, and energy psychology.

What You’ll Get:

Channeling Your Higher Self Meditation

Anxiety Relief & Grounding Meditation

Abundance Activation Meditation 

6 Workshop Activations (including *Bonus streamed from Egypt)

Online Support and Additional Resources

*This will be a live interactive series which means you will have the availability to ask me questions throughout the 6 weeks. 

Community & Additional Support:

In this series, you’ll gain access to the community chat that’s off of social media. You’ll be able to safely share your experiences to support your integration and connect with like minded people.

While you’ll be receiving healings and activations through this 6 week journey, the transformation can only truly occur with your participation and willingness to take action and make changes in your daily life. This is why community support and accountability is so important. 

I will be active in the group chats each week to support you with any questions that you may have as well as offering further resources and support throughout our 6 week journey together.

Workshop and activation journeys will be hosted live
every Friday starting June 4th, 2021.

Sessions will be done over Zoom and will start at
9am PST (12pm EST)
and will be recorded if you cannot make them live.

Session dates are: 6/4, 6/11, 6/18, 6/25, 6/2, 6/9
(Bonus session from Egypt – You will be notified by email if there needs to be a time change.)

There has never been a more important time to connect with higher versions of yourself and bring elevated vibrations and wisdom into the planet.

The world is in great need of as many people stepping into their higher selves and leading the way as we move through this collective evolution in consciousness.

The world needs your power and your gifts! Now is the time to awaken your truest and highest potential. 

Why wait to step into your greatness when you can fully surrender to it now?

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